The Best & Worst Protein Sources for the Environment, Explained
Most people know beef is bad for the climate. But how does tofu compare to other plant proteins, like almonds or hemp?
Climate•10 min read
Most people know beef is bad for the climate. But how does tofu compare to other plant proteins, like almonds or hemp?
Climate•10 min read
From dairy to soy to oat to almond, these are the milks with the highest and lowest carbon footprints.
Climate•8 min read
It might be a faraway scenario — but it’s one worth examining.
Food•10 min read
More humane and effective techniques abound, but many brands remain stuck in arcane ways.
Beauty•9 min read
The most common questions about cultivated meat, answered in plain English.
Food•11 min read
The research that fish feel pain, explained.
Science•9 min read
When it comes to cows’ feelings and preferences, humans can find plenty to relate to.
Science•9 min read
You likely contribute to overconsumption in ways you might not realize.
Climate•9 min read
How one switch addresses both personal and environmental health.
Diet•6 min read
The sentience of lobsters is being recognized by scientists — with ramifications for the culinary industry.
Science•8 min read
Contrary to stereotypes, the science proves chickens are intelligent animals who suffer.
Science•10 min read
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